Monday, July 21, 2008

منتدى انترنت على موقع وزارة؟؟؟؟

ما هو الهدف من المنتدى؟؟؟
يمكنكم ان تنشروا القواعد العامة للوزارة و متطلبات التعامل مع جميع فئات المجتمع الذين يستفيدون من خدمات الوزارة، كما يمكنكم كذلك نشر ارقام الهاتف لجهات الوزارة التي تساعد المراجعين أو المستفسرين عن احتياجاتهم و بنفس الوقت يمكنكم اضافة ما يستدعي الاضافة لاحقا لهذا الموقع.
بالنسبة لي، لم اجد ما كنت ابحث عنه (متطلبات تأسيس الشركات) في الموقع المليئ بالاشكال والألوان و أسعار الاسهم في البورصة!!
please, for god's sake, make official sites SIMPLE.. and no animation please! and no need for stock prices every where!!
just to compare: this is the US Department of Commerce homepage! simple and informative and lovely! it has no Ad's!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Starbucks stores to be closed

Starbucks USA announced yesterday the list of the stores to be closed.

when will they announce the Kuwaiti list??

Friday, July 11, 2008

آخر الاخبار

في سابقة خطيرة، قام القطاع الخاص بتقديم عرض استحواذ كامل على القطاع العام
is it possible ?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

i love this jazzy beat!!

"Children of Sanchez" by Chuck Mangione

Without dreams of hope and pride a man will die
Though his flesh still moves his heart sleeps in the grave
Without land man never dreams cause he's not free
All men need a place to live with dignity.

Take the crumbs from starving soldiers, They won't die
Lord said not by bread alone does man survive
Take the food from hungry children, they won't cry
Food alone won't ease the hunger in their eyes.

Every child belongs to mankind's family
Children are the fruit of all humanity
Let them feel the love of all the human race
Touch them with the warmth, the strength of that embrace.

Give me love and understanding, I will thrive
As my children grow my dreams come alive
Those who hear the cries of children. God will bless
I will always hear the Children of Sánchez

Friday, July 04, 2008

tag tag tag...

I have been tagged by Deema with a different kinda tag.. i had 12 questions to answer, but i have to write my answers into flickr search box and get to chose one pic from the first page of the search results of each question! this is how i understood it! so i got this pic.. it is nice :)

merci Deema :)