Sunday, October 21, 2007

poetry books "saamri songs"

ok.. here we go. they are only 2 books that i have.. here they are..

سلمولي + الاياهل الهوى
i got them from this book:
ياجر قلبي is also here:

مفتون قلبي
from this one:

ياجر قلبي
searched lyrics from the net.


Unknown said...

so do they also have the lyrics for el bare7ah??

The Simper said...


u can check it here :)

Someday said...

the simper,
thanks, but ....
it wasn't the one I meant :-P
el manam ma yaney ... 3eyney sehyrah o margedey malleytah
9ij maaaaaa an3a6ah wayh!!! 6arrah o atsharra6 :-P

Purplecious said...

LOL shaklhom lawa3aw chabdik


I have a Q:

why we need the books while we have SimperLand?! ;)

y36eeek el3afyaaaaah :)

The Simper said...


Je n'ai pas trouvé votre chanson
if i do.. u will get it :)


hehe.. la bas mako shay thaani bil kitab :P mako other ghanawi i know of ;)

Shurouq said...

بونجور ما يطلبه المشاهدون

ماكو يا من يسلي خاطري الولهان - فرقة التلفزيون؟
عاد مادري من كاتبها

lawyer said...

اهلا اهلا

علامي غطيييييييت جم يوم رديت لقيت بلوقك دفتر القصار !!!

عاد اناا اموت بالسامري

صصصصصصصج ذوووووووق

جنة الحواس said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
جنة الحواس said...

يا زين السامري
عاد صج يبيله كتب لأنه كلماته صعبة

I'll try to get them soon , thanks for the info The Simper .

Anonymous said...

the simper the simper, me want يا سعود

Thank you =~]

Anonymous said...

whats going on ? what happened to BB

The Simper said...

[[ Shurouq ]]

بونسوار ما يتابعه دائما البلقيون


3asa el kha6ir dayim sali bil tisaaali inshala :)

we will reserve it, if it is available ;)

[[ lawyer ]]

هلا هلا

hala bil ghaaaaa66a :P 3ad wain gha66a?? 3asa mashar?

o LOOOOOOL 3ala daftar el gassar :P
tara ma3arif shay bil saamri.. latfatneen.. kilhom cham eghniya a3arif hom o bas :P osh lat3almeen ;)

[[ Broke ]]

3ad hal kotob shar7 hom mo shay.. e7i6 ma3na kalma wa7da o e6awfon 10

bas aham shay ingol elli egolona :P

[[ Very.Q8ya ]]

i guess ams sami3 ha!
ya s3ood.. is it this one? or this

[[ mosan dude! ]]

la 3ad kil shay wala BB ;) hatha takteek estrateeji, don't worry.. im going back to that place next week and load up more on those CD's ;)

Amethyst said...

Fakait nafsek from questions about the books, but 7awalt the blog samry requests;p