Sunday, February 04, 2007


the superbowl is tonight!

so.. who is gona win the superbowl?!?

Indianapolis Cols? or Chicago Bears??


Anonymous said...

Oh noooooooo i cann't do superbowl. 1. I can't see what the guys look like cause they're like all padded and stuff and they have helmets on.. so no eye-candy 2. toooooooo many commercials 3. I will fall asleep half way through like I always do. I'm watching a chick flick tonight and eating chocolate icecream. But, enjoy simpee :D

Purplecious said...

منو فاز؟

Anonymous said...

I guess congrats are in order

The Simper said...


1. I can't see what the guys look like cause they're like all padded and stuff and they have helmets on.. so no eye-candy
wait for one of the guys to get HIT BIG TIME and u will see the helmet knocked off his head and u can then enjoy the seen :)

2. toooooooo many commercials
a7la shay bil superbowl el commercials!! check this

3. I will fall asleep half way through like I always do.
if u always do.. then it will not be relatted to superbowl ;)

I'm watching a chick flick tonight and eating chocolate icecream.
3awaaafeee... and don't fall asleep..

But, enjoy simpee :D
gracias :)

The Simper said...


indianapolis colts..

mosan mosan

hehehehe.. thanks man.. i will send u a cool breakfast for the win :D

Anonymous said...

it was a win win situation for you ... you are richer now .... keep up the good work

cheetz buddy

The Simper said...

ya yaaaa ;) when is the next time :D?

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about these stuff :)

The Simper said...


there is always a first time for everything :) so learn it ;)