Friday, April 06, 2007

The Best Art

I really don't think anyone will find any better and lovlier art than these videos on today's tv channels...

والله انكم تسوووون كل قنوات الاغاني هالايام.. من روتانا و باجي القنوات

يا جار قلبي

اعزف ياشاعر

حقق الله

and many big thanks for
sporty4ever and niceq8i for providing all of those videos online.


Anonymous said...

Sporty4ever has really really cool videos!!

I know these songs are timeless! They're better than everyone (er... except for Nancy ;p)

Anonymous said...

GOD! I remember those days! I was watching those videos when I was a kid and loved them! Now almost 30 it feels that those good original artistic talents have just simply disappeared from this life! My daughter 7 years old laughed when I showed her those videos! I don’t know if she’ll ever understand especially here (Europe)!

Cr8ivia said...


thaaank u simper! this is one of the best posts i shisma recently

ayyam il dinya dinya wil fan fan :S

lawyer said...




و احلى شي
يااااااااااااااجر قلبي

ماشاء الله عليييييييييييييهم

خووووووووووووووش لفحه


يلفحوووووووووووووون لفاح عجييييييييييييب

عــــــابره said...

ذكريات حلوه .. يعطيك العافيه

S-Q8 said...

allah a7la videos o a7la ayam.. u cheered me up wallah.. thanks;)

Anonymous said...

Xlant post , post of the year

Allah yrhham ayam el kuwait

The Stallion said...

I agree with Mosan! This post is excellent and there was nothing better then the songs of that era! They had more feelings, meaning, and heart behind them! No a days the songs aren't anywhere as good as what we had back then!

Great post!

Anonymous said...


7ata il-Thanks nafs ilshay ,, il-tarekh ye3eed nafsah =p