Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Michael Jackson :)

i know it is old stuff.. but madri why i remebered this VIDEO and the song..

u can check the names of the people appearing in this video at the end :)
i found this too.. hehehe Michael Hindi :D


Anonymous said...

OMG!! I havent seen the video to this song before - I loved it! It was such a huge cast, 7aram he was such a powerful singer illi all these stars agreed to appear in his video... He was good too, I mean his videos where all about setting new trends and stuff... 7asafa his talent is wasted now...

I didnt watch the other video - something about the beginning made me cringe :(

Anonymous said...

Micheal Jackson is timeless

outlaw said...

i thought i've seen all michael jachson's video's but i guess i was wrong, i've never seen this video before :x

and about that indian michael LOL i've never seen any thing stupid like that hahahahahaaa

lawyer said...

ارجع البيت اشوفها و اعطيك خبر :)