Monday, March 26, 2007


what is the week-end?
it is nothing but THE end of the week!
and, when is the week-end?
AT the end of the week!


Anonymous said...

Why do you always undermine the weekend ?Personally I look forward for the weekend

The Simper said...

mosan dude.. is the word "fun" undermined in the dictionary where it is being defined?

my post is nothing but definitions of the word "week-end" ;)

Anonymous said...


the weekend is a state of mind

The Simper said...

the week-end is when the mind finds its STATE :D

Warda said...

inshallah this week it will be a long week-END :)

7adi loooking forward to it :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

what state is that simper?

“Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”

Bill Watterson

Anonymous said...

Thanx for transfering those WORTHY information for us :P

Wow marra dars mofeeeeeeeeeeeed :P

never new that weekend is end of a week :P

lawyer said...

waaay 7rraaaaaam 3alik sarlly sa33a o ana relaxing o 7alty 7alla

gelt 3ala ma ye`then adesh ashof sheno new

o 77aaaaaaady daykhaaaaa
ma a7taaaaaaj afaker

fajàa wella ur post fachaach masameer o baraqee mokhee!!


العين الساهرة said...

The weekend for me is to stick at home and go no where but to father's house. I don't like the groud places.

By the way from were you get these strange questions?

nice one.

Anonymous said...

new post please :P

loco said...

hehe nice and true :)