Saturday, December 12, 2009

شارع في الكويت

هل من الممكن أن نطلب أو نسأل عن شارع واحد في دولة الكويت (أو على الأقل في مدينة الكويت) بأن يكون بحالة مثالية "تقريبا"
مصمم بشكل جيد
متناسق معماريا
بدون ضوضاء بصرية
وبدون اراضي غير مطورة/مبنية
هذا كل ما أطلبه.. هذه امنية العام الجديد.. هل ذلك بالكثير؟

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

the 21st century public niqaab !

someone sent me this pic by email... and what is the deal with the evil background screen hands??

Friday, September 18, 2009

الري بالتنقيط

هذي زراعتنا
هذا تخضيرنا
هذي فسفسة ماينا
هذي مناظرنا
هذي مناقصاتنا
هذي رقابتنا
هذا حظنا

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Museums.. in the USA

awal shay.. embarak 3aleekom el shahar :)

thaani shay.. i was wondering how many GOOD museums do we have here in Kuwait.. since i don't know.. or i have to think for 5 minutes to get the number, but i don't wana think.. i thought what about the US..

i googled how many museums in the USA.. i got this link for the The American Association of Museums:

very interesting info..

Friday, July 31, 2009

a quote

There will be no end to the troubles of states, or indeed of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers.

Plato (Republic)

Friday, July 10, 2009

United Airlines: a customer reaction to service

An American songwriter decided to write a song and post it on YouTube after United Airlines baggage handlers mishandled his guitar case and got the guitar broken without satisfying him for what happened.

a cool reaction by the guy!

here is the video..

Friday, June 26, 2009

2300 Jackson Street

this is where it all started.. from Gary, Indiana

Sunday, May 24, 2009

these are days..

These are days youll remember.
Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.
And as you feel it, youll know its true that you are blessed and lucky.
Its true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.

These are days youll remember.
When may is rushing over you with desire to be part of the miracles you see in every hour.
Youll know its true that you are blessed and lucky.
Its true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.

These are days.

These are the days you might fill with laughter until you break.
These days you might feel a shaft of light make its way across your face.
And when you do youll know how it was meant to be.
See the signs and know their meaning.
Its true, youll know how it was meant to be.
Hear the signs and know theyre speaking to you, to you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


الا متى بلا هوية
الا متى بلا ثقافة
الا متى نرمي بمشاكلنا على من لا نستطيع العيش بدون دولاراتهم الجميلة
و منتجات أعمالهم و أعقلهم الذكية
الا متى هي عمياء ادمغتكم يا عرب

اصحوا و ابكوا على حالكم!

هم اناس يعملون و نحن بالبحار سارقون

ولسنا بغير اللسان عاملون
الا اذا لجمال الغرب كنا ضاربون!!

هل ارى من يوم لادمغتنا مفعلون؟
كلا و الف كلا ان كنا بالألسن دائما مهددون وبالبحار للسفن صائدون!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

U.S. Forces Rescue Cargo Ship Captain

The kidnapped captain of the Maersk Alabama has been rescued and was safe aboard a Navy ship, U.S. officials said. One pirate was captured in the rescue, and three others were killed.
والله كفووو!! زين اتسوون فييييهم

Friday, April 03, 2009

a thought

today, i woke up with a thought in mind.. i don't know why, so don't ask me!
"نحن أمة لا تهاب السلاح، ولكن تخاف من كلمة"

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I love the optimism look in her and the negative-less message..

hope all other messages from others to be this way without being so roughed up and tensed when delivering them!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama + Leno

Obama will be on Jay Leno's Late Show this coming Thursday!

WOW.. so cool :)

don't miss it!
on Orbit, Comedy Channel, Friday at 9:00 pm

Friday, March 13, 2009

simply nostalgicooooos!

The guitar master!
Paco de Lucia - Entre dos aguas (1976)

Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five (1966)
I love this jazzy beat! they have couple more pieces that i like,
"Three to Get Ready" and "Kathy's Waltz"

He Rocks and Knocks!!
Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1976)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

HoRRaaay for the PENDEJOS ;)

LOOOOL on the clip ;) and CNBC's Jim Cramer!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Very Interesting!

are we (in Kuwait) on the map of this video??

Friday, February 20, 2009

امينه فاخت والاستجواب

صوت و فن جميل جدا
توك تجي
انا لست من عشاق السجال السياسي، ولكن كنت أقرأ في أحد المدونات عن استجواب حدس، وبعض التعليقات من صاحب(ة) المدونه ومعلق آخر أخذ بالدفاع المستميت عن هذه الحركه (التي- وغيرها- يساهمون بالعمل على تقسيم الناس في إتباع الدين الاسلامي) ولا أعلم لماذا تذكرت هذا العنوان لهذه الاغنية "توك تجي" .. يمكن عن الاستجواب، توك تجي

Sunday, February 08, 2009

د.سليمان الديكان

لا أعلم لمن اوجه كلامي، للدكتور سليمان الديكان أو المسؤولين عن الموسيقى الوطنيه؟
اتمنى ان يكون دائما منشغلا بمؤلفاته الموسيقية الجميله
وأكون وغيري ممن يستمتع بسماعها بدون انقطاع

الحانه جميلة و عذبة
موسيقاه ممتعة ورائعة
توزيعه جريء ومنسجم

ونحن في هلا فبراير، كم نكون اسعد لو كانت موسيقى الدكتور تتلاعب في هذا المهرجان

كثيرون من يستحقون الرعاية و الدعم، واتمنى أن يكون أولهم

بانتظار جديد ابداعك يا د. سليمان

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. President OBAMA, all the luck to you..

great country..

tough times..

and best of wishes to all humans every where..

" I . s i m p l y . l o v e . t h i s . p i c t u r e"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

blogger identity photo

why do many bloggers have an identity photo of other people, especially women bloggers!

they have photos of singers, actresses, or models.. is it a msg to the world that they wana be like them? or what?

i would love to know and understand why have other people's faces as your own identity photo!?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

old tapes?!?

do u guys still have your old CHROME and METAL tapes???
are you still using them?
or to some of you:
do you know what is a CHROME or METAL tape?


i was listening to this song today :)