Saturday, May 19, 2007

Amélie Les Crayons

i was looking for a song for this singer, but couldn't find it on youtube.. i got those other 3 chansons.. they r cool :)

Les jours de neige en ville

Le paillasson


Anonymous said...

mosieur, bientôt je vous viendrai pour les leçons françaises.. ;)

hahahahah le paillasson est si drôle!!

The Simper said...

oh la laaaa ;) merci boucoup pour ton offre .. je vais etre tres heureux ;)

Hungry-Healthy-Happy said...

j'ai aimé les chansons :))))
merci beaucoup

bonne journée :)

The Simper said...

glad u liked them :)

vous aussi ;)

Anonymous said...

oh! oh! oh! Non! Non! Non!

I knew my grammer sucked!

ok this is with a little help from google:

this what i meant to say:

bientôt je viendrai à toi pour mes leçons françaises

The Simper said...

hey cixo.. hehehe.. i guess i didn't get the first comment.. o now i didn't get the other one :P how about that for my french ;)

Chai-7aleeb said...

على قولة أم عليوى


Shoush said...

Wats with all the French Simpler? ;P Tu a etudie' en France ou quoi?

Cixousian Panic said...


we're going around in circles, aren't we?

I should stick to english, abrakli lol ;)

what I meant was, soon I'll be taking my French lessons from you cause mashalla you're a fast learner... o shakla that this is very true considering my huge grammar bloopers ili tawni imsawyat'ha!! :(

The Simper said...


welcome back ;) mukanik o ma7alik.. 7ayaaak alah :)


next week it is spanish ;) uno momento por favor :P

o ba3dain what's with the simpLLLer thingy? tara basameech om shoosha :P

Le Cixousian du Panic :P

o 3amlatli poetry bil french.. o ana 7addi emsadig :P ashooof 6ala3na "alah ekhali google" ;);) hehehe moi aussi ;) i use it ;P

Shoush said...

Omg! It9adig, tawni ala7ith ina ur nickname is Simper and not SimpLer! Lol! Sorry, hehe! My bad. ;P