Saturday, May 19, 2007

a post with no story, only marks!

this lipstick mark was on one of the walls in salhiya plaza parking staircases...


Shoush said...

Yuck! That's one filthy wall, y wud anyone kiss it! ;/

Shoush said...

"Simper"! ;P

The Simper said...

shoush! i have no damn clue!

it is much better withOUT the L ;)

Shoush said...

As u wish sir. ;)

eshda3wa said...

mino elfithy ele will kiss that filthy wall


Hungry-Healthy-Happy said...

LOOOOOL this is funny 9ara7atan!!!

el7emdillah wel sheker
ma legaw '3eer el parking wall el m3afna!!

i wonder how desprite they were!!! looool

Cr8ivia said...


ishloon ra7/ra7at to the walla and kiss it !

as7ab il3iqool fi ra7a

Cixousian Panic said...

someone was feeling frisky! lol

S-Q8 said...

shal 3alam ele tamshee o tbawes 6ewaf?!