Monday, May 14, 2007

what is takhalof in English?

N o C o m m e n t !!

i can't..

they don't have REAL WORK to do other than REALLY visiting the hotel?? what's the point of having WORKERS to work for u?!?! they call them employees.. for god sake!


Cixousian Panic said...

Loooool :P

I want that job! I'd be tanning at the Hilton 24/7!! :D

. said...


هذه لجنة

بانها تروح تشوف وتعطي رايها وتقييمها
يعني هذا شغلها

شنو المشكله؟؟!

The Simper said...


la mako jobs this easy for u :P.. o this is mo hilton.. it is manshar close to al-kout :P

+ ;)

mo wakeel el wizara! wala el wakeel el mosa3id! well.. hatha amur fanni ba7t.. lazim ako mowa9afat mo3ayana 3ala asaas ha ekon el findiq daraja 4 or 5.. fa el mas2ala ma ti7taaj el ja7fal hatha killa 3ala findiq wa7id.. edizoon salto7ain or 3 o echaykoon: ako hatha, ako thaak, mako hatha.. ok khalas el findiq daraja X

maybe maskeen ma3indohom shighil wil mowathafeen ejazat :P

. said...

ok :)

بيتطمشون ;)

عبالي اهما لهم راي ويعطون تقييمهم مشكور وضحتلي
لا وثاني زياره لهم


Hungry-Healthy-Happy said...

LOOOL wallah khoosh wadhyfa :)

akeed metwadhfyn b was6a ba3ad ma yabeela...

Cixousian Panic said...

hey eugene min their album hey eugene is AMAZING..